Sunday, August 27, 2006
sigh...my knee is really becoming a burden...just working normally at the cafe and my knee almost gave way,from running around the cafe and bending down to get the drinks from the bar fridge to turning left and right,the stress on my knee is really killing me i guess...with every turn and bend, my knee feels looser and aches even more. with the condition i'm in,it seem i cant get myself involved in much sports that requires running or just using my legs,maybe perphaps just swimming...cause swimming reduces the stress on my knee from gravity than when i'm running or walking. which sadly,is the only choice i have to regain my stamina which i lost prior to schooling...and since its my semester break now,i figure i should do something about my weight-not like the last semester break where instead of working out, i spent more time at the cafe and devouring the pasta there... so this time round, i really need to get some discipline out and stay focus to my goal-which is to reduce some weight and to regain what used to be in me.and maybe i'll look better when i go rebond my hair...which will be earliest during december or early next year i guess...speaking of which, the solon i went to on friday was actually quite zai. the hair stylist there straightened my hair for me just to let me take a look at the new hair style i'll have if my hair was straight,and wow-it really look great,even my mom and me myself cant recognize me with the new hair style,which was pretty cool.but too bad,the moment i got home,i took a shower and there goes the straightened hair -sniff sniff- anyway,i'm looking forward to a new hair style somewhere down the road.maybe by then,my hair will be even longer and i can color them different color just for the fun of it. though i think people may look at me and say i'm a "pai kia" but who cares,really.
11:17 PM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
i'm officially a free bird now. no longer trapped in a little cage due to exam and stress.whoohooo! isn't that great?no i have about 7 weeks to enjoy my time and to get some work done-up coming drama,cafe and of cos,my personal project which i have yet to decide.with so many interesting ideas, i really have to take some time to think about how i'm gona use my 7 weeks to fulfill these tasks at mind. most proberbly i'll be figuring out some interesting stuffs i've been wanting to do just for the fun of it and also i'll be working say 3 to work shifts a week at the cafe. though money is esential,i dont really wana spend too much time at the cafe this holiday-feel like giving the holiday to myself this time,to do my personal mini project if i have the time and revenue to do it...haha one mini project i have in mind is a water rocket cannon...which had been in there for like almost 3 years and i have yet to complete it...maybe...just maybe i'll be able to complete it during this holiday...i hope.anyway,now that exam has ended its time for a nice break before i start on anything,having been studying the past week almost everyday in school with some idiots distracting us by playing games on his lapto and commenting on it the whole time... seriously,what is some people's problem,we gather as a group to study together and this odd ball is always the one to start playing-and he doesn't even take out his notes to study at all...which made us conclude that he studied at home alone and came to school just to distract those trying to study-which he did managed to get some of them to join him,and i felt totally disgusted by his actions...what ever,the papers are all over now,so i cant be bother anymore.since i do not have to see his face for like at least a month which is good enough for me. well,i'm a free bird and that's all that matters to me right now :) so seeya later dudes
12:08 AM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
dinner was great,had lemon chicken,mini wok tofu,baby gai lan with abalone,steam butter prawns,fried bee hoon with mixed spices and black pepper crab :) and man were those pincers huge. slupp... :P haha u people must be jelous right?i can still smell the crab on my finger..wahahaha :D ate at the coffee shop at engenia's place and i was just wondering if we will see her or desmond when someone tapped me on my back and i looked back- and there she was,Eugenia Low! haha..all packed up with her sleeping bag and laptop,ready to go back to her hall in NTU. after dinner, we headed back home and got a couple of bouble tea on the way back.now we are watching the new dvd that my mom bought- 5566 one world tour concert,except for my brother and jessica whom both are snugded up in their little mushy world in his room..by the way,dinner was to celebrate jessica's birthday in a few days which we will nto be able to celebrate due to it being a weekday and everyone's kina busy. anyway,back to the concert dvd,about 1 1/2 hr into it and still its not yet over,had lots of laughter and fun watching the dvd with the 4 guys doing lots of funny and interesting stuffs and dance routines.man are they great or what!no wonder the family's hooked to them-especially my mon and my sis, who's totally crazy and nuts over them,which is quite a good change around,since my mom used to scold us for being crazy over some tuan ti,now she's with us in the boat. :) almost finished the dvdsoon,so thought i'll just come back here to finish the whole thing,its like 10:51 pm now so ya,i wrote abit,den stop to watch the dvd then continue. so now i'm gona end it here,right now. chao
8:56 PM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
work suck big time...not that the business at the cafe was bad but the fact that i always am the one who gets almost all the shit thrown at...what's up with them man?there i was,minding my own business when someone released my name from their mouth and there-all the bloody shit comes my way...wtf? had really wanted to just throw the dishes i was drying at them and just walk off...but somehow,something inside stopped me...and without realising,that something just made me gave off a sheepish smile and laugh all the shit off...thinking bad,it was kina amazing how that "something" calmed my nerves down in just a split of a second not just once but twice..wow... when i reached church,worship was almost over-and the last song really caught my attention,though i cant really remember the song now,it really stucked me and i started praising unknowingly.i was touched by that song and somehow i realised that "something" was the Holy Spirit working in me. controling my bad temper and holding me back from doing something really stupid-which might spoil the relationship of me and the cafe. i'm still surprised, that after all these times,of doing alot of stupid and totally shitty stuffs,that the Holy Spirit is still with me,slowly but surely...working His way into my heart...though i may have stopped working on it,He is still working in me,my life.really touched by the Love Of God and what Jo.p shared today,really encouraging to have the pop cell in my life even though i only get to see them on the weekends,God is working in everyone's life as i type this right now. really amazing and wonderful.
9:55 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006
i'm kina tired...to go on with the life i'm living...with the routines of everyday life...its kina getting boring...i seriously need to take some effort and make some changes in my life...something that will do me good...something to pass the time without me being on the net all the time with practically nothing to do...and to occupy my mind so that i do not think too much... the greys are coming back..time to add more color to my er....hair...ya, my hair...they are growing longer everyday,though its like maybe .5mm a day but still,by the end of the year,i'll properbly have an amature pony tail coming along or an air-fro due to my hair being too curly and going in the wrong directions...outwards that is - a perfect condition for air-fros to conjour out. and my beard seems to have their own mind of how they want to grow out...being thicker on the left side of my chin compared to the right and leaving just a little bit in the centre bare...and well,they are growing towards the right,meaning they atart appearing as little pricks and slowly inching & curling their ways to the right like there's an invisible magnet on my right cheek.interesting is'nt it?i'm just waiting to see how far they can go before they irritates me and the shaver will have to be introdued to them...
11:52 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
new specs... my degree didnt went up at all..surprisingly...but the optician did say that my previous spec's lens were in a very bad condition-causing my being dizzy and off balanced while walking... the new spec's lens were of the same degree yet they feel so different-like they are super clear compared to my old pair.tho i'm still not tat used to the new lends which are giving me convex view of the flooring at home..quite uneasy feeling... but i'm happy about my new specs anyway...since its the first time i chose a half metal rim with plastic sides which i think looks quite cool...maybe except for the color of white wit grey stripes on the inside...
10:25 PM
some times...i feel like a little bird, trapped in a little cage... and that's how i'm feeling right now...
1:22 AM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
whooo.....spent 4 hrs concentrating on fixing my gundam astray red frame up...tho it wasn't really red frame but gold instead...anyway,spent about 60 plus plus bucks on it on the way home from work and brought it home to fix it up.had a great time building the model but it was real tiring...ans straining to the eyes considering the components are so small and stuff...and i have to cut out the components from their frames which took quite a while including me trimming of excess gold "platings" and nicking my finger while trimming with the carving pen... but over all, it was satisfying to see the completed gundam model in its handsome pose with the samurai sword in place-ready to slide its enemy right up into half ![]() man doesnt astray looks cool in that pose?awsome man!
11:21 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
4 papers in 4 straight days...how did i manage to cope?1 1/2 paper belongs to therory,and the other 2 1/2 paper belongs to pratical which to say...i'm clear for 2 1/2 of the 4 papers... i seemed to be more tired easily these few days...having to sleep at 12 and waking up at 6 in the morning just doesn't work out for me anymore. always stayed in bed an extra 1/2 hr till i got chased out of my room by my maid or my dad. yet i still cant seem to stay awake for long- whatever happened to the past nights where i can go without sleep till 5 in the moning and still have energy for work the next day? or the times where i can dota till 2 or 3 plus in the morning and still wake up at 6 to dress for school? looking back at all these times,i'm feeling old...and old i am....fatigue seem to get to me much more easily than before, and so is anger...seems that i blow my top more easily these days too...over a game of dota, or even just speaking one sentence to a friend...i need help-no doubt about that...maybe coffee or tea will help, since i haven't been drinking them for quite a while as i used to now...maybe, just maybe one big cup will sustain me for awhile. pardon me while i go get my much needed caffeine :P
11:45 PM